Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sorry I  havn't posted this weekend!
I've been busy, but I've had posts in mind everyday.
I don't feel exactly the same anymore about everything I'm going to type but I remember what I was thinking at every point I thought about posting for you and I'm going to write it all.

119 lbs!!! (118.9 to be exact lol)  I was so excited and feeling so good that I did a happy dance right there in the bathroom.  Then it was time to go with my mom for prom dress shopping.  Wasnt likeing much, things clung to stomach fat and hugged my hips wayy to tight.  After a taco, beans, chips, and fries for lunch almost all of my excitement about my body had faded away.  It DID NOT help when there was this cookie-cutter cheerleader (gorgeous brown hair, skinny, tan, white teeth) trying on clothes in the fitting room right by me.  I'd walk out in my dress hating how it hugged all the wrong spots and shed walk out like a princess in hers.   Plus, I had to listen to the people she was with saying do you need a smaller size? is the zero too big? With my mom and friend by me saying is that 4 too small? should we get you a 6?  Out for dinner,  fries and a chicken sandwhich.  Did a rough total of the days calories in my head. Over 2,000.   :(

Sunday: Woke up not feeling to great.  Didn't have the most amazing night.  Didn't want to eat but my boyfriend cooked me breakfast anyway.  Small breakfast, lunch, and dinner was all today.  and a piece of candy.  Decent I guess.  I found a prom dress that I'm in love with, so that helped my mood considerably.  I wanted to be 117 by March 1st, after my eating yesterday I'm worried I've gone up and ruined the chances of that:/   I'll check my weight in the morning.

Love you all,
stay strong!!


Friday, February 25, 2011


Yesterday was bad! bad, bad, bad!   I'm not even going to get into it.   I'll just say that I have not yet gotten back to my weight of 119.5 that I was at before my vacation.   I'm roughly 122 now.  I've gained 2.5 pounds!  
Today will be better.  I need to eat healthy, I'm going to change things now.   I'll post goals on here (with the dates I'll meet them by as well so I can't keep putting this off.)  Plusssss I've been sick for over a month and I really hope that eating well will get me over this.
Today so far:
less that 1/4 bottle soda (to take vitamins/meds. without tasting them)
spinach salad

This was the beginning of my day.  The end went okay except me caving to finish off cookie dough my family had talked me into saving!
Rest of the Day:
Banana & P.B.
Cookie Dough
Pork Paparika on Brown Rice

Didn't officially add it up but everything was in small portions so theres no way I passed 1000 cals!(:
Andd my scale says I weigh 121.8 (my scale reads roungly 1.5 lbs heavy, any one know where I can get a new one?)   This means I'm about 120.3, and you weigh the most at night so I'm guessing I'll be back to my 119.5 by morning!
I'm insanely happy and I'm back on track!

look how confident you could be if you were thin

Friday, February 18, 2011

Close To My Goal!!!

I'm not yet close to my ultimate goal weight, but I'm only half a pound away from one of my mini goal!!!
I'm so excited!  I am 119.5 and my goal is 119!    Only 13.5 pounds left to my ultimate goal.   Losing some weight is the best thinspiration,  I'm so ready to keep going.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep this up on my weekend trip with my family.  I'm not going to finish meals and I'm going to choose healthy foods when we go out to eat.  I'm hopeing that with all the walking we'll be doing the calories will balance out all right.  But, I'm kind of nervous about weighing myself when I get back.   I think if I gain any weight at all I'll fast monday to reverse the weekend's effects.   Plus, Monday's going to be a lazy day for me so it works out well. 
I also wanted to share with you all some things that REALLY work for me. 
1. Running when I'm stressed.  It relieves the stress (stress causes weight gain)  and keeps me from stress eating and I burn calories!  Win-win-win!
2. Drinking pineapple juice when I crave something.  It might just be me, but pineapple juice can get rid of all my cravings.
3. Unsweetened applesauce with cinnimon.  The applesauce is low in calories and the cinnimon speeds up your metabolism.

Good luck. Stay skinny<3

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nobody Wants A Fat Valentine

don't you want him to hold you?

Don't you wish he could love your body?

Do you want to sit on him or squish him?

 Will he like you in shorts? Or stare at your jiggling thighs?

Don't you wish you were small enough for him to hold?

Would you even be comfortable with having him this close to your   
                               embarassing chubby stomach????

Don't you wish he could be proud of you at the beach and not embarassed by your fat body? 

Don't you wish he could lift you without any effort?

He's not going to want a fat chick.

Willpower ladies.  Thin for you. Thin for him.
Don't go candy crazy 'cuz you don't have a valentine, you might get one if you ate better.
If you do have one work to keep his attention.  Make SURE you're the hottest one around.
If you don't have one make sure ALL EYES are on you. 
Happy valentines day<3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Failed Weekend


like seriouslyy???
gta get on this!!!

my weights never gonna drop again unless I get a handle on this RIGHT NOW!
im getting into working out again
my legs finally arn't sore anymore so it's time to start P90X
look at the results people get (though I'm going to lean more toward cardio...I don't want to look quite this muscular)