Friday, February 11, 2011


My weight's constantly up and down but I feel like I have a handle on it right now.
I have a friend that's also working on her weight so now we text our best tips to each other and review at the end of the day: our weight, what we've eaten, excersizes, how we feel, and if the day was a sucess.  She definatly helps motivate me. 
I've been getting in some workouts everyday switching it up to give sore muscles a rest.
I can't drop weight as quickly as I used to, but I can still reach my goal slowly and steadily and if I stay on track I'll be so ready for this summer.
I'm so motivated right now it's great!!!!

A Tip:
Something that I do that REALLY helps me is going for a run when I'm stressed, it get's you away from everything, KEEPS YOU FROM STRESS EATING, and really really clears your head.
Give it a try & lemme know how it works for you.

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